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mardi 15 janvier 2013

Smut: Two Unseemly Stories

Par Alan Bennett, Faber and Faber

«The Greening of Mrs. Donaldson
Mrs. Donaldson is a conventional middle-class woman beached on the shores of widowhood after a marriage that had been much like many others: happy to begin with, then satisfactory, and finally dull. But when she decides to take in two lodgers, her mundane life becomes much more stimulating... 
The Shielding of Mrs. Forbes -
Graham Forbes is a disappointment to his mother, who thinks that if he must have a wife, he should have done better. True, her own husband isn't all that satisfactory either. Still, this is Alan Bennett, so what is happening in the bedroom (and in lots of other places too) is altogether more startling, perhaps shocking, and ultimately more true to people's predilections.»

Un plongeon espiègle et audacieux dans l'intime et le non-dit. Alan Bennett ose secouer les conventions, faire fuir les illusions et tirer la langue aux convenances en narrant avec humour l'envers des apparences, la face cachée de la supposée normalité. Voguant habilement entre le saugrenu et le délectable, cet opus comico-érotique charme et déroute. Consciences chastes et prudes s'abstenir!

Lili lui donne: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

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