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lundi 14 juillet 2014

This One Summer

Par Mariko Tamaki, illustré par Jillian Tamaki, Groundwood Books

«Rose and Windy are summer friends whose families have visited Awago Beach for as long as they can remember. But this year is different, and they soon find themselves tangled in teen love and family crisis. From the creators of Skim comes an investigation into the mysterious world of adults. Sure, Rose’s dad is still making cheesy and embarrassing jokes, but her mother is acting like she doesn’t even want to be there. Plus, being at the cottage isn’t just about going to the beach anymore. Now Rose and Windy are spend a lot of their time renting scary movies and spying on the teenagers who work at the corner store, as well as learning stuff about sex no one mentioned in health class. Pretty soon everything is messed up. Rose’s father leaves the cottage and returns to the city, and her mother becomes more and more withdrawn. While her family is falling to pieces, Rose focuses her attention on Dunc, a teenager working at the local corner store. When Jenny, Dunc’s girlfriend, claims to be pregnant, the girls realize that the teenagers are keeping just as many secrets as the adults in their lives.»

Toutes les vacances en famille ne sont pas idylliques: celles de Rose, pourtant habituellement bourdonnantes d'un bonheur hors du temps, font dans la grisaille cette fois-ci. La grisaille et le silence. Heureusement qu'il y a la pétulante Windy qui, naviguant avec candeur et simplicité dans la houle de cet été singulier, saura apaiser l'âme chiffonnée de son amie. Tricotant à quatre mains cette épopée douce-amère, Mariko et Jillian Tamaki abordent avec finesse et sensibilité le passage de l'enfance à l'adolescence, ce troublant moment où l'insouciance bascule vers la lucidité. Un roman graphique bouleversant qui sait dire les failles de l'âme humaine avec justesse, et une habile éloquence toute en demi-teintes et en nuances. Émouvant.

Lili lui donne: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

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