dimanche 13 mars 2011

Lulu and the Brontosaurus

Par Judith Viorsth, illustré par Lane Smith, Atheneum Books

«It's Lulu's birthday and she's decided she'd like a pet brontosaurus as a present. When Lulu's parents tell her that's not possible, Lulu gets very upset. She does not like it when things don't go her way. So she takes matters into her own hands and storms off into the forest to find herself a new pet, all the way singing: "I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, gonna, get a bronto-bronto-bronto-bronto-saurus for a pet!" In the forest Lulu encounters a number of animals; a snake, a tiger, a bear, all of whom don't particularly impress her. And then she finds him...a beautiful, long-necked, gentle, graceful brontosaurus. And he completely agrees with Lulu that having a pet would be a wonderful thing, indeed! Lulu thinks she's gotten her birthday wish at last. Until she realizes that Mr. Brontosaurus thinks that she would make an ideal pet for him! How will Lulu ever get out of this sticky situation without throwing a fit (Mr. B does not respond well to those), or using force (Mr. B is much to tall to bonk on the head with her suitcase), or smushing her pickle sandwich?»

Une aventure savoureuse au coeur d'un imaginaire déjanté! L'histoire est menée de plume de maître par Judith Viorst, qui interagit avec le lecteur, devance ses doutes et ses jugements, et l'entraîne habilement, et avec un humour désopilant, dans le monde de Lulu où tout semble possible. Une version définitivement rafraîchissante de l'arroseur arrosé! Et Lulu, quel personnage principal délicieusement haïssable! Quant à l'univers graphique de cette épopée saugrenue, je l'ai adoré. Les traits simples et sobres que propose Lane Smith vibrent d'une sensible et éloquente intensité. Un petit bijou de collaboration auteur-ilustrateur... 

Lili lui donne: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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